The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Lecture)
📌 EVO1 📌 There are four roles and functions of media in a democratic society — channel, watchdog, resource center, and advocate. Media is used as a channel as it serves as an instrument for people to communicate, share, and give information. It is also a watchdog which reveals the anomalous or corrupt activities of the government and the private sector. In addition, media is a resource center that gives and keeps information for the usage of people. Lastly, media is an advocate that connects the division of digital through its various sources or formats. Media has different ways affecting my life. It is a form of both leisure and learning. It serves as my stress-reliever like watching videos, dramas, and movies which helps me relax by engaging to the different forms of media. Also, it is a source of learning that influences my ideas by the information given through media. By these additional ideas, it will be used as the source of topics to be talked about in a com...